Mar 30, 20202 min read
COVID-19 What can you do to reduce your risks?
For Telehealth / Virtual Visit Information: https://garygoldmanmd.com/…/online-doctor-consultation-hol…/ An Integrative Approach to...

Mar 26, 20208 min read
Coronavirus Information
Many of my patients have asked me for a quick synopsis of my recommendations to minimize contracting coronavirus. I hope you find this...

Mar 15, 20202 min read
Telehealth | Telemedicine | Virtual Office Visit | Online Consultation
In response to our patients’ needs and the rapidly changing circumstances of public health, we are pleased to offer you the option of a...

Jun 27, 20192 min read
Is a Z-Pack for a Cold Worth Dying For?
“Doc – I need a Z-pack for my cold!” Is that Z-pack worth dying for? The common cold season is upon is. It began a couple of weeks ago,...

Mar 1, 20192 min read
Does Folic Acid Help Prevent Autism?
Can Vitamins Prevent Autism? In a stunning article published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry,...

Feb 15, 20191 min read
Are Artificial Sweeteners Bad For You?
Just how bad are artificial sweeteners for your health? Deadly bad. In yesterday’s issue of the journal Stroke, researchers combed...