Mailing Address: 1735 York Avenue, Suite A, New York, NY 10128

Gynecology, Integrative Women's Health,
Men's Health, and Functional Medicine
COVID / Immune Function Consultation
During the lock-down in March 2020 Dr. Goldman was selected for a national Rapid Response COVID Task Force at the Institute for Function Medicine. This small group was charged with researching the SARS CoV-2 virus, its lifecycle, and its vulnerabilities. They read through more than 1,500 publications to develop a deep understanding of how all therapeutic modalities interfere with viral replication.
Since that time, he has contributed to various publications, recorded lectures, and spoken with many patients about COVID. He is available to discuss how best to avoid catching COVID, how to mitigate risk factors, how best to treat it, and pros and cons of the various vaccines. It is our pleasure to share the benefits of this expertise with you!
We’ll get through this together!
COVID-19 has presented a major challenge for all of us. Most of us have seen changes in work, school, family time, and leisure activities. All of us are feeling the anxiety of the unknown and continue to be concerned about what the future holds. We share your concerns and want to help address your health questions and needs.
Why is it vital to improve the function of our immune system?
It has become clear that the risk of infection is based on two key variables: the amount of virus you are exposed to, and the strength of your immune system. An exposure to a few viral particles is unlikely to represent a risk to anyone. A large viral load is a big problem for everyone. But – the most common exposure is in the middle range. This is where a more robust immune system gives you the best opportunity to avoid illness and avoid progression to severe disease.
What is a COVID-19 Consultation?
There remain many legitimate questions about COVID-19. My patients have been seeking out our opinions regarding conflicting advice from different authorities, as well as particular concerns about themselves or their loved ones. We are prepared to discuss at length any of your questions and concerns – avoiding exposure, quarantining, best testing practices, interpretation of test results, treatment options for early to late disease, and vaccinations.
What is an Immune Function Consultation?
Dr. Goldman will review your personal health history to highlight areas where there are opportunities to improve the function of your immune system. There are key variables that have been identified as important risks factors for COVID-19 and he will discuss how to mitigate them.
Good health starts with good nutrition, so this consultation should also include a discussion with our New York Times best-selling author, Missy Chase Lapine. Missy is both a Health Coach and a Nutritionist. She will guide you through a nutritional approach to improving your immune function.
How do I schedule a consultation?
These services are available to both New Patients as well as Current Patients.
To make an appointment, please call the office at (212) 535-6100, or Click Here to make an appointment through Zocdoc. Please specify that your appointment is for a COVID-19 Consultation or the Immune Function Consultation.
Prior to your New Patient appointment, please print out our introductory paperwork below, fill it in and send it to us by fax at (212) 535-6100 or regular mail. If you need to email this information, it is not considered a HIPAA-compliant medium; please call our office manager, Dana, to discuss further.
1. Filled out our HIPAA acknowledgment form. You can read our HIPAA policy here.
2. Fill out our office demographic/patient information form.
3. Fill out our female or male health questionnaire as most appropriate to you.
These consultations are limited to reducing risks through improvement of your immune function or COVID-19 concerns. If you are seeking a more comprehensive evaluation, please make a standard appointment. Consultations are billed at our regular hourly rates.